Darius As Vs How To Riven
Riven Runes Item Build Riven Top Build Stats Leaguespy Early game a good riven can beat darius. however as the sport goes on and darius stacks armor he ultimately outscales riven truly tough, so even a riven who kills darius three times in lane wont be capable of 1v1 him by the time he has 2 gadgets. Play passively till stage 3,then you could start to trade. while you see channeling his decimate,dash to him to disclaim blade harm&healing and combo him. store one of your dashes to disengage from his e. at stage 6,completely enticing on darius is a unfastened kill. Kennen is a great darius counter because he can junk mail his abilties to harras darius. kennen has the range benefit and mobility to break out darius’ gap closer (recognize). the important thing to winning the lane is to use a passive playstyle and poking when you can. does renekton beat darius? renekton is one of the higher melee counters against darius. Riven vs darius. close. four. posted by way of 1 yr ago. dariu...